第223章 回国(1 / 1)
“Then how do you know that theft is not the first time?(那你又是如何知道盗窃不是第一次发生?)”英国男人问。
“When Sergeant Edward came in, he said,'There's another theft', and'This time the burglar was found', so I guess that's the charm of Chinese writing.(刚才爱德华警官进门的时候说的话,他说‘又发生了盗窃’,还有‘这次的盗窃者居然被找到了’这样的话,所以我大胆的猜测,这就是中国文字的魅力。)”
“Then why didn't Hudson hide anything but hide the pipe?(那为什么赫德森不藏别的东西,而是藏烟斗?)”爱德华问。
“So we have to ask the owner of Hudson. Maybe it's just because the size of the pipe is small.(这就得问赫德森馆主了,或许仅仅是因为烟斗体积小,方面藏匿吧!)”
“This is unbelievable!(这简直是难以置信!)”
“What a surprise!(太惊讶了!)”
“The Oriental woman is so smart!(东方女子太聪明了。)”
“No, no, no, this lady is too clever.(不不不,是这位夫人太厉害了而已。)”
英国男人来到宋七梧面前,做了个绅士的礼仪,邀请她:“Madam, I've always regarded Holmes as an idol. I like reasoning. I've read a lot of reasoning novels. Today's theft, I thought I could do it. But now, I've decided to look at you as my second idol. Your reasoning ability is amazing. I'd like to invite you to dinner if I could. Are you willing?(夫人,我一直视福尔摩斯为偶像,我